PhD Summer School 2020
2nd Quantum Technologies PhD Summer School 2020 QT Summer School is open to students of Quantum Technologies PhD program of the University of Naples "Federico II", the University of Camerino and Italian National Research Council (CNR) and aims to organise a series of Lectures and courses covering different quantum platforms, quantum networks and communication, quantum...
Quantum Future Academy 2020
Quantum Future Academy 2020 Quantum Future Academy (QFA) is an event that aims to introduce students to the future potentials offered by quantum technologies. For the first time, Quantum Future Academy is opening up to students from around Europe (event link)! Students that win the national selected will receive a fully-funded trip to Berlin from...
Digital Assembly 2019
Digital Assembly 2019 The Digital Assembly 2019 is a forum for stakeholders to take stock of the achievements of the Digital Single Market Strategy, draw lessons and to exchange views on the contours of a future digital policy. The event is also a great opportunity to showcase how digital is transforming our societies and economies, and...
Phd Program in “Quantum Technologies”
SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 PHD PROGRAM IN QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES This new Ph.D. Program originates from the awareness of the need of an interdisciplinary background on “Quantum Technologies” and from the concept that a smart combination of different platforms can provide flexible and transformational solutions, useful for a variety of quantum applications. The PhD program is aimed at...
The future is quantum: EU countries plan ultra-secure communication network
The future is quantum: EU countries plan ultra-secure communication network At the Digital Assembly, 7 Member States agreed to work together to explore how to make available a quantum communication infrastructure in Europe, to boost European capabilities in quantum technologies, cybersecurity and industrial competitiveness. At the Digital Assembly in Bucharest, Romania, representatives of 7 EU countries...